Sunday, May 31, 2009

all i need, is tyme

if you said how can we separate after been through so much,
well, all that's to be say has been said, all that has to be done had been done, all that's to be cry about, well, had ma tears dried up on its own. since he don realli giv a fuck about it, fuck it den.

And its ma blog, so im gonna throw everything here.
been crying since i reached home. letting it all out i guess . well but still thnks for telling me about the stout-and-redbull recipe. drinking it reminds me of you. fuck.

Ok gonna let my pride down for now. i am fucking upset. seriously. fucking upset. i just couldnt imagine hw i will be without him. of course, as the song goes, back to black. perhaps indeed, i deserve this, always didnt showed ma love , afraid of losing face,which is fucking retarded as i look back now. hah. karma baby. its coming to get back at me. but matter of fact is, im realli cant let it go. no. not him. when i tink of the tyme during april fool's day when we made a joke about breaking up, it just fucking suddens me so much. this is for real now, wen cui. he's not yours anymore just let it go. yeah. fuck you all. ur not me, all the more you wont know how i feel inside. its realli damn fucked up. am tryin ma best to erase every trace of memories of him, changing wall paper, fuck, its so naive.
well, dey always say, when you love somebody, you do not have to get hold of him, all you wanted was for him to be happy. yea. this is it. it sorta cheered me up a little. at least he wont get stuck wif a fucking pub waitress with no fucking future (whats tat), holds a night job, always so cold towards him. why cant he just fucking understand. im not the type of gals that can go all out when showing affection. its so sad he just don get it. don get what's on ma mind. no he didnt, and he will not have the chance anymore. i just so sick n tired of acting strong infront of dem. didnt even dare to tell zhenren about our breakup. just because i know that i'll jolly well breakdown infront of her. god, please grant me some strength now. i am feeling so weak. if only you can bend to take my hand, i'll fall upon my knees for the gratitude. god, please, i truly hope you can hear my prayers now. if not, let me forget him. im not asking for an exchange, between strength or the power to forget him. i just wanna end it all. and feel better. god, i beg of you.

it'll get betta in tyme :))

Saturday, May 30, 2009

oh shit

1. STFU if you donno anything.
2. If only i could make tyme stand still.

Thursday, May 28, 2009






Deep down in ma hart i knew it.


Just wanna summarise a few things.

1. Ma name is NOT wen cHui.
2. 'Cuz i lyke to sleep' is NOT an excuse for break-up.
3. nice bd prezzie you r giving.

Okie, don wanna continue further.

Gonna save the others for future, if dere's chance.

So sry hav to blog dese things out. Simply cause i cant turn to you. Not anymore.

I guess you haven said anything just cause of the fact that ur camera's still with mie. And afraid i might sell it away (wont keep it cause i don bring a bulky film-taking thing around with mie). HAH. piss me off somemore la. i'll SHOW you what i CAN do to it. try me :D

KK Keeping ma mouth SHUT for now .

Nites peeps.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i guess this tyme it really is goodbye.

..for good.

Friday, May 22, 2009

In an impulse. OH GOD.

*waves hands, though i've no idea who dese people are*.

One word. RETARDED.

That's exactly how i felt yesterday mannnnnnnnnn. OMFFFFFFFG. In front of Danny and May. sai ar.

Okie, we shall not go into the topic. Ren shi wang qian zhou*. LOL. *People onli walk facing infront*.

Donno why leh, suddenly feel lyke blogging after donno how many donkey days sia.
And hence, i must start something new. *Well at least in ma blog entries la*

In an Impulse (By evelyn liew v^-^v)

"STFU!" thou shouted, in an impulse
And yet this could leave a scar in thy head

"so?" I questioned without much thinking, in an impulse
in which made thou muse on the amount of patience granted upon me

I promenaded away, right in the vision of thou amigo, in an impulse
jilting misgivings behind to be illuminated

Abundantly all dese 'in an impulse' moments ditto.
And yet....

In defiance of the err I perpetually brought about....
thou art the love of my life :D

YAWNSSSSSS okie bo liao. b stil at work now. gg to bruah ma teeth den go slp liao v^-^v.
AND im sooooo gonna get dese : :)))))))))))))
ok gtg liao.. bubbyexxxxxxxxxxx. *Puke*

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



just woke up, and she bombarded me wif that fucker's shit.


...give me a break.

.......OYA, realised smth.
When an owner loves to stone, her laptop tends to hang too. FAR TOO OFTEN. nah beh. PUI. sai ar. *coughs*

Sunday, May 3, 2009



im still a cookie-holic.


Friday, May 1, 2009

chocolate-over-eating-syndrome aka COES

..just back from tiong park.. YAWNS.

..from the speed im clearing up the chocolates in ma hse, SERIOUSLY, sooner or later i WILL get chocolate-poisoning sia. lol.

*spitting out some Ferrero Rocher almonds*

okie, this is once again, a nonsense post. lol. gtg liao. grab some sleep. mayb a kinder bueno bar b4 tat?

ok. bye bye/ bub bye worx. LOLOLOLOLOL. shit i realli going crazy from chocolates-over-eating sia.

Oya add-ons: LOLLLLLLL. Orang Gutan Couple. WTF. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. ROFL.

ok, jit bai realli zhao liao.

crab claw 4 gordon

crab claw 4 gordon